Wednesday, weights

Ernestine Shepherd, award winning bodybuilder.

Today is Global Running Day.

This is an event I’d never heard of until my RunKeeper app pushed a notification encouraging me to participate. I debated this, but I decided to stick to my running plan, which lists today as a non-running day. This is risky because where I live, it rains every Thursday in June.

Truth is, I was a little tired yesterday.

I turned in thinking I’d catch up on rest this morning, rather than lift weights as planned. Despite all alarms being off, my body still anointed 5 a.m. as the waking hour. I snoozed until 6 but then I needed to make a final decision. Resting or not?

A vision of Natasha Hastings on Instagram persuaded me to choose not. Wednesday is weights day after all, so I went for it. If I feel too fatigued, I can always take breaks, or quit, I thought.

I got hydrated and dressed, and pushed play on strength DVD.  I did take a few short breaks, but I felt energized overall.

Tomorrow is back to the pavement. And yes, the forecast shows the standard Thursday rain. Wish me well! I won’t run in a thunderstorm, but I won’t let simple rain keep my miles off the books.

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