I planned to run rain or shine. It shined. After multiple forecasts predicting rain today, Mother Nature graced us with sun instead.
The agreeable weather did nothing to help my Garmin, which located me a quarter of a mile away from where I actually was. This is the first time I’ve experienced this malfunction, so hopefully it’s a rare occurrence.
The mistake confused me at first, and I invested plenty of energy troubleshooting and trying to adjust. Since I run the same trail most days, I knew where the first mile marker (not 1.20!) was. I restarted the Garmin from there and it had no trouble after that.
My legs, however, are another story.
Tuesday’s slow run with strides coupled with strength training yesterday, resulted in fatigued muscles today. The mileage itself has been no problem, and is on par with my running to date. But the strides – short sprints at the end of a run – have worked my muscles differently.
Let’s just say they’re learning.
Muscle fatigue meant I worked harder to maintain my target pace, and although I had instant snapshots of my pace via my Garmin, I didn’t have my usual chirps warning me to speed up or slow down to stay on track.
All said, it was a taxing run.
Even with the challenges, I enjoyed myself, and the beauty of spring. Looking forward to stronger legs in the weeks ahead.