On Legacy

Came to a realization this morning that arrived in my brain as a list. It was nice to remember that I have done some important things about something I’m passionate about. I hadn’t really thought about all the…

Ways I’ve Contributed to Literacy in America

  • Becoming an elementary school teacher
  • Becoming an early intervention (EIP) teacher, assigned to help kids reading “below grade level”
  • Becoming certified as a Reading Specialist (K-12)
  • Helping over 100 (yes, one hundred) teachers become “Highly Qualified” to teach reading
  • Recommending books to young people and adults who love them
  • Modeling reading at home and in public
  • Writing great books where kids can see themselves

Things I Still Want to Do to Contribute to Literacy in America

  • Write more books (including some featuring boys!)
  • Write a bestselling series that has kids clamoring to read and discuss! (I have ideas!)
  • Spend time talking to kids in small groups about books
  • Make more book recommendations to young people and the adults who love them
Gaithersburg Book Festival, Spring 2023

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