Today I am thinking of fear. Feeling it. Working through it. Understanding it. Appreciating it as a teacher.
Fear, in certain degrees, can feel like a happy excitement. Stomach tingling, breath quickening. I felt that fear today. It comes when I have doubts about something I want to do, and I can see the beginning of paralysis. Self-sabotage. I haven’t given into Resistance yet, but I have the sudden urge to talk myself out of… progress.
But for now it’s just a tingle. It’s commentary about the relative location of me and my comfort zone.

Any time fear is my muse, I ponder the word fearless. I explored this a few years ago, and I have come to understand THAT being fearless is not really being without fear, but about lessening fear’s influence.
If giving into fear means remaining silent or standing still, then being fearless means speaking up or moving, despite the fear. The fear is still present, but it does not defeat you.
Fearlessness is about the steps you take when it feels safer, more comfortable, to stay put.
I’m working on a small project. For many reasons, it inspires fear. Will it be good enough? Will it come out as I expect? Will it have the impact I desire?
Will it…?
Will it…?
Will it…?
If fear wins, I’ll soon make up reasons to work on something else entirely.
If I am fearless, tomorrow I will complete one more task; bring it one step closer to completion.